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What is the difference between generic and color references?

The styles declared on the traceability form refer to a specific product. This product can be declined into several variants: color options, mainly. These different color declinations of the same product are the color variants and the reference number linked to these is defined at the color level: style/color reference. The generic product, however, will have a generic reference (not at the color level).

When declaring your articles on the Traceability form, you’ll need to indicate their style reference. Depending on your needs and product specificities, you’ll choose to declare the color level (different variants may have different impacts, so the different options should be analyzed), or generic level (recommended when no differences among the different variants).

In terms of e-commerce integration, depending on your set-up, the color variant references will allow you to easily link your results directly to each of the color options. Declaring only generic variants will not necessarily allow the integration of your results to your website (mainly if your website is set up at SKU or style/color level).