Your articles are given a score based on your knowledge of their supply chain. We assess your knowledge of two fundamental parameters: the name of the different suppliers in the supply chain, as well as their country of origin. The first half of the score is given to the article when the name of the supplier is known while the second half of the score is given to the article when the country of origin of the supplier is known.
The traceability rating methodology groups suppliers depending on their life cycle stage. Three different supplier groups are defined: Raw material suppliers, Material suppliers, and Article suppliers. For each article, the methodology gives each group the same weight, meaning ⅓ of the final traceability score.
The final score is “Low” if the supply chain is less than 33% traced, “Medium” if it is traced between 33% and 66%, and “High” if it is more than 66% traced.
Traceability scoring methodology
Level | Traceability rate | Score |
Level 1 | 0% < Score < 33% | Low |
Level 2 | 33% < Score < 66% | Medium |
Level 3 | 66% < Score < 100% | High |