If you want to go beyond environmental assessment and get a clear overview of your performance in sustainability – Eco-Score is your product!
Conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your collection’s performance, measuring its impact across four crucial areas: planet, people, circularity and transparency and control the best practices over your supply chain.
👉🏻 Only customers with Advanced and Premium plans will have access to this product.

What is displayed on the Eco-Score dashboard?
Dashboards are a great way to display what’s important in just one place. Pan to move around and don’t miss the modules that are at the bottom. So find out which are the metrics that rate the full impact of your items.
Articles declared
This is the total amount of Articles within the project.
Units produced
This is the total amount of units of Articles produced within the project.
Materials declared
This is the total amount of Materials within the project.
Suppliers declared
This is the total amount of Suppliers within the project.
Sustainability Index Overview
This table shows the average Eco-score of all the Articles analyzed within the project in the four main impact areas (People, Planet, Circularity, Transparency):
- E: Qualification <= 5,9
- D: 5,9 < Qualification <= 6,9
- C: 6,9 < Qualification <= 7,9
- B: 7,9 < Qualification <= 8,9
- A: 8,9 < Qualification

Score distribution by area
This bar chart shows the absolute distribution of Articles according to their Eco-score in the four main impact areas (People, Planet, Circularity, Transparency):
- E: Qualification <= 5,9
- D: 5,9 < Qualification <= 6,9
- C: 6,9 < Qualification <= 7,9
- B: 7,9 < Qualification <= 8,9
- A: 8,9 < Qualification

Planet, people, transparency and circularity specific breakdown
This bar chart shows the share of the area’s best practices that are accomplished by the brand through its 3 main action levers:
- Corporate: Best practices that can be accomplished at the brand level.
- Material: Best practices that can be accomplished based on material selection.
- Supplier: Best practices that can be accomplished by the suppliers themselves.

Overall performance ranking
This table shows the ranking of all the Articles in terms of qualification in the 4 impact areas:
- The 3 best ranking articles in Planet, People, Circularity and Transparency marked in green.
- The 3 worst ranking articles in Planet, People, Circularity and Transparency marked in red.

If you feel that some data is missing that would be valuable to you, please let us know and we will try to improve the dashboard for the future. Contact us at info@bcome.biz.