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Sustainability and fashion insights - The Insider

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Are you leading the sustainability speech on social media? Drive the conversation


The Insider Sustainability and fashion insights
Are you leading the sustainability speech on social media? Drive the conversation

The transformation of the fashion industry must also take place on social media. Find out how to lead the sustainability speech on the main platforms.

3 min read

Your fashion company’s carbon targets might not be enough, new IPCC alert


The Insider Sustainability and fashion insights
Your fashion company’s carbon targets might not be enough, new IPCC alert

A level of 0 emissions in fashion might not be enough. We need to prevent extractive activities, material depletion and emissions related to the manufacturing of products.

3 min read

The growth of resale business, why should you be in as a fashion company?


The Insider Sustainability and fashion insights
The growth of resale business, why should you be in as a fashion company?

The second-hand clothing market is growing fast. We explore the phenomenon of resale from the perspective of the business model and its consequences in the fashion industry.

3 min read

The regulation that will promote circular fashion, get ready for EU action plan


The Insider Sustainability and fashion insights
The regulation that will promote circular fashion, get ready for EU action plan

The new EU circular action plan announces initiatives along the entire life cycle of products. Find out what is the planned timeline for their implementation.

3 min read

From raw materials to final product: How full traceability works


The Insider Sustainability and fashion insights
From raw materials to final product: How full traceability works

Making decisions based on real knowledge, that is the goal of traceability in the fashion industry. Find out what it is and how you can use it to benefit your business.

2 min read

From big fashion groups to small brands: Why sustainability should have a place in all-sizes businesses?


The Insider Sustainability and fashion insights
From big fashion groups to small brands: Why sustainability should have a place in all-sizes businesses?

Being responsible is a matter of attitude, every business should work according to its values. Find out why both small and large companies should care about sustainability.

4 min read

Cultural context, key takeaways to address the 4th dimension of sustainability in fashion


The Insider Sustainability and fashion insights
Cultural context, key takeaways to address the 4th dimension of sustainability in fashion

Beyond the environmental, social and economic dimension, sustainability must be understood within a cultural background.

3 min read

How to find out which certification is right for your fashion business


The Insider Sustainability and fashion insights
How to find out which certification is right for your fashion business

There are many certifications to help us identify sustainable product standards. Discover which ones are important to your brand and guide your customers to better product choices.

4 min read

Is the future of NFTs sustainable? Key takeaways of the new fashion trend


The Insider Sustainability and fashion insights
Is the future of NFTs sustainable? Key takeaways of the new fashion trend

There is a new buzzword in the fashion industry: NFT. Big innovation or threat to fashion sustainability efforts? Let’s dig into the environmental impact of these digital goods.

3 min read

Your customers are willing to pay more for sustainability, the motivations of the new consumer


The Insider Sustainability and fashion insights
Your customers are willing to pay more for sustainability, the motivations of the new consumer

Many things have changed in the fashion industry since the outbreak of the pandemic, including the consumer trend. What is the new consumer looking for?

2 min read

The environmental footprint of fashion. Key impacts to measure


The Insider Sustainability and fashion insights
The environmental footprint of fashion. Key impacts to measure

Fashion continues to have a huge negative impact on the planet, discover what are the indicators that can improve the environmental footprint of your brand.

4 min read

Female talent leads sustainability, the challenges of the new fashion CEO


The Insider Sustainability and fashion insights
Female talent leads sustainability, the challenges of the new fashion CEO

While the presence of women multiplies in the high positions of textile companies, sustainability is imposed as an imperative in their leadership.

3 min read

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