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Why data-driven suppliers are preferred by brands. Success case with Belda Lloréns

With Fabricio Mancebo, Chief Brand Officer at Belda Lloréns. Discover how to use BCome's data to boost your business's reputation as a reliable textile supplier trusted by top fashion companies.

Why data-driven suppliers are preferred by brands. Success case with Belda Lloréns

Belda Lloréns partnered with BCome to showcase the environmental benefits of their Ecolife line. Using BCome’s technology, they discovered that Ecolife has a much smaller environmental footprint than the textile industry standard. This means big savings in water, CO2 emissions and fossil resource usage.

Belda Lloréns: Leading the way in responsible sourcing

Belda Lloréns, a pioneering company in sustainable spinning, with over 65 years of industry experience, proudly stands at the forefront of innovation and is recognized as a leader in the Open End spinning sector. Ecolife, their flagship product, represents their commitment to environmental values.

The challenge of high environmental value

Ecolife by Belda Lloréns faced the challenge of demonstrating the exceptional environmental performance of their yarns, already trusted by renowned brands like Ganni, Adidas, or Ecoalf.

We’ve always been very demanding in the transparency of our Ecolife yarns and, now with BCome, we strengthen that commitment by going one step further in providing data on impacts and savings throughout the spinning process.

Fabricio Mancebo, Chief Brand Officer at Belda Lloréns

The success of being a supplier of environmental veracity

Having access to sustainability data empowers Belda Lloréns to transparently prove the environmental impact savings of their Ecolife line. This ability allows them to showcase their sustainable performance, highlighting the impact of their yarns compared to the industry standard.

Belda Lloréns helps clients access impact and traceability data, making it easier to understand the environmental impact of their supply chain. This transparency is crucial for meeting regulations, like the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. But beyond this, data-driven suppliers unlock several additional benefits:

  • Traceability. Environmental data helps businesses track and improve their supply chain’s impact.
  • Transparency. Accessing this impact data allows brands to reveal the environmental performance of raw materials and supply chain.
  • Compliance. This transparency can help companies ensure compliance with sustainability regulations.
  • Credibility. Being compliant boosts brand credibility and shows accountability to customers and stakeholders.
  • Decision-making. Impact data empowers brands to make better decisions in sourcing, production, and product development.

Our clients highly value this impact data and that Ecolife, a symbol of sustainability and recycling in the textile sector, advances in transparency, providing all possible information about our yarns and offering them a great plus for their collections.

Fabricio Mancebo, Chief Brand Officer at Belda Lloréns

BCome’s solution: Ensuring accountability with Life Cycle Assessment

BCome’s Life Cycle Assessment empowers businesses to understand the environmental impact of their products throughout their life cycle. This analysis identifies areas for improvement and supports informed decision-making.

Belda Lloréns’s impact allocation along the supply chain

Belda Lloréns quantifies the impact of their Ecolife yarns through BCome’s Life Cycle Assessment. This analysis establishes accountability and provides a clear understanding of environmental impact.

Beyond quantification, Belda Lloréns educates customers through labeling and integrates sustainability reports into their products. This showcases their commitment to responsible fashion manufacturing and transparency.

If as a supplier you offer quality, innovation and also manage to convey trust to your customers by being transparent with the information provided, you can strengthen relationships and make them very lasting.

Fabricio Mancebo, Chief Brand Officer at Belda Lloréns

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