Submit an item from your brand to uncover its environmental impact

Test BCome's technology with one of your fashion products

BCome has developed an exclusive solution to assess all kinds of products in the fashion industry. Submit an item and you’ll receive in your inbox a customized report of its environmental footprint.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of information will we provide?

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Once your submitted product is assessed, you’ll receive its environmental footprint according to four different impact indicators: water use, global warming, eutrophication and resource use – fossils. In addition you’ll be able to check the environmental savings of the product compared with conventional market practices.

What methodology do we follow to assess the product?

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We follow the EU Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) methodology recommendations for water use, global warming and resource use assessment. The methodology applied by BCome complies with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 14040 and 14044 guidelines for LCAs which verify the accuracy of the data.

Why is it important to have this information?

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Having specific indicators for each of the products in a collection allows your business to take actions with the aim of reducing and eliminating the negative environmental impacts of your products in the different stages of their life cycle.

What does BCome do with the product data?

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BCome will use this information to uncover the environmental performance of the product submitted. In any case this information will be shared with any third party.

Is it possible to assess several products at once?

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Of course! Our technology is designed to assess the environmental footprint of full apparel collections. Book a demo to take your business to the next level!

What other solutions does BCome offer?

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BCome is a pioneer in the application of intelligent methodologies for global sustainability management. From LCA development to EcoDesign Calculator, we’ve got the tools your business needs to boost its sustainability performance. Book a demo to start your sustainable transformation today!