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Whitepaper: Everything you need to know about Life Cycle Assessment in fashion

The ultimate research on the methodology to assess impacts in the life cycle of apparel and textile products

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From the extraction of raw materials to the distribution of manufactured products, the fashion industry causes diverse environmental impacts along its entire value chain that must be taken into consideration when analyzing their effect on the planet. After more than 12 years helping brands to build responsible supply chains and with more than 1 million traced, measured and evaluated products on the market, BCome presents the ultimate methodology to use LCA as the main tool for identifying, studying and evaluating the environmental impacts associated with a product’s life cycle. 

What’s inside

Discover in this whitepaper how LCA can become a business decision-making tool for your company and find on impact data a way to measure your journey towards sustainability.

Learn more about:

  • What an LCA is and how it can benefit your business.
  • The main reasons for conducting an LCA in the fashion industry.
  • The keys of the methodology to develop an LCA.