Green Claims Directive (2023/0085/COD)

Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on substantiation and communication of explicit environmental claims (Green Claims Directive).

Green Claims Directive (2023/0085/COD)

53.3% of environmental claims provide vague, misleading or unfounded information about products’ environmental characteristics

European Commission

How do you communicate in compliance with the anti-greenwashing regulations?

Requirements introduced by legislation

The Green Claims Initiative seeks to establish a harmonized EU framework for the use of environmental claims in marketing and advertising:

  • Environmental claims must be specific, accurate, and verifiable.
  • Claims must be based on reliable and robust scientific evidence.
  • Claims must not be misleading, ambiguous, or confusing to consumers.
  • Claims must not give the impression of a general environmental benefit when only a specific aspect is environmentally friendly.
  • Claims must not exaggerate the environmental benefit of a product or service.
  • Claims must be clear and understandable to consumers.
  • Claims must be relevant to the entire life cycle of a product or service, from production to disposal.

Who must comply

All businesses that make environmental claims about their products, services, or packaging, regardless of their size or sector. This includes manufacturers, importers, distributors, retailers, and service providers.

Key law specifications

  • Applicable to all commercial communications, advertising, packaging, and labeling.
  • Businesses must have evidence to back up their environmental claims.
  • Requirement of third-party verification.

Penalties for non-compliance

  • Member States must set penalties for infringements, ensuring their effectiveness, proportionality, and dissuasive impact.
  • Authorities, when imposing penalties, must consider factors like the nature of the infringement, intent, financial strength, economic benefits, past violations, and penalties in other Member States.
  • Penalties include fines, increased for repeat offenses, confiscation of gained revenues, and up to 12 months’ exclusion from public procurement and funding. The maximum amount of such fines being at least at 4 % of the trader’s annual turnover.

Take action with BCome

Timeline for its entry into force and compliance

June 2024

Council ready to start talks with the EU Parliament

The Council adopted its position on the Green Claims Directive.

March 2024

Vote in plenary

The European Parliament adopted its first reading position.

February 2024

Committee report tabled for plenary, 1st reading

Review completed and recommendations presented to the full assembly for debate and consideration.

June 2023

Committee referral announced in Parliament, 1st reading

Proposed changes to the Green Claims Directive reviewed and discussed by the Parliamentary Committee.

March 2023

Adoption of the proposal by the European Commission

The European Commission tables the announced proposal.

Explore the full proposal and stay informed

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