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Recommended help Q&As
Why and how should I declare articles and materials weights?
What is the difference between generic and color references?
How is the traceability score calculated?
What happens if my material or my process is not registered in the database?
Can we give third parties access to complete the Traceability forms?
How long can the data entry process take?
What is the scope of the Traceability analysis?
Why are some parameters displayed as “Unknown” or “Not applicable”?
Is BCome responsible for the accuracy of the data entered by the brands?
In which format should I register my article pictures?
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
How is pre-consumer and post-consumer waste modeled in BCome LCA?
How are the benefits of biodegradable fibers reflected in BCome methodology?
What are the impact indicators?
What are the inventory indicators?
What is the difference between inventory indicator and impact indicator?
What is the difference between Water consumption and Water scarcity?
What is the difference between AWARE and Pfister et al.,2009?
How has the bottle(s) equivalence data been determined?
What does it mean that the article impact vs article saving is negative?
What is the industry standard against which the products are compared?
Do the certificates apply to the LCA calculation?
What is a Life Cycle Assessment?
Why is the impact zero?
Do you calculate the Carbon Footprint of products?
What are the assumptions and limitations?
How reliable is the methodology?
What are the system boundaries of the environmental assessment?
Higg Index vs BCome
How is BCome fighting against misleading claims?
What is the controversy with Higg Index?
What are the similarities and differences between BCome and the Higg MSI?
Circular Economy Indicators (CEI)
How can I know if my CEI results are good or bad?
What are the BCome Circular Economy Indicators?
What if I cannot provide the certificate’s documentation?
How are the certificates validated?
What are the certifications and standards validated by the Eco-Score?
How is the reliability of the results ensured?
What are the Best Practices considered in the Eco-Score?
What does the Eco-Score indicators mean?
Stage Comparator
What does a negative result mean?
Can I communicate the results of the Stage Comparator to my client?
AGEC French Law
What is the AGEC law in France?